UN Climate Change Report

April 5, 2022

The release of a new flagship UN report on climate change, published on Monday, highlights a concerning trend: carbon emissions from 2010-2019 have reached unprecedented levels in human history. This sobering data serves as compelling evidence that the world is hurtling toward a potential disaster. Many scientists argue that urgent action is needed, framing the situation as "now or never" if we are to successfully limit global warming to the crucial threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius. The report underscores the pressing need for immediate and substantial efforts to mitigate climate change and protect the planet for future generations.

The report underscores a critical point: governments have often disregarded the scientific warnings regarding the impending climate crisis for too long. The report, endorsed by nearly 200 countries, issues a stark warning that current fossil fuel plans are pushing the world towards a 2-degree Celsius warming scenario. It strongly advocates for an immediate cessation of all fossil fuel subsidies and the construction of new coal plants while emphasizing that oil and gas reserves could potentially become stranded assets in the coming decades.

The scope of the required actions may appear daunting, but it is feasible if companies and businesses take immediate steps. The IPCC has called on governments to significantly accelerate their efforts, emphasizing that it is still possible to halve emissions by 2030.

Additionally, the UN body acknowledges a significant development: the substantial decrease in the cost of renewable energy sources since 2010. Costs for solar and wind energy, as well as batteries, have dropped by as much as 85 percent. This presents a clear opportunity for transitioning to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, offering a pathway to mitigating climate change while also benefitting from cost savings and job creation in the renewable energy sector. It highlights the economic viability of moving towards cleaner energy alternatives.

In Ireland, the forecasted increase in electricity demand, ranging from 19% to 50%, combined with the ambitious target of meeting 80% of that demand with renewable energy by 2030, underscores the urgency of accelerating the deployment of renewable energy alternatives.

As of 2021, renewable energy accounted for 32% of Ireland's energy mix. Achieving the 80% target will require a significant expansion of renewable energy infrastructure, including the installation of more renewable generators, the enhancement of energy storage capabilities, and a continued reliance on natural gas as a backup fuel source during the transition.

With the growing adoption of solar energy and the untapped potential for offshore wind power, Ireland possesses the capacity to move closer to energy independence by 2030. The utilization of renewable energy sources not only contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions but also offers the prospect of increased energy security and sustainability for the country. This transition is a critical step toward meeting Ireland's climate goals and ensuring a more sustainable energy future.

The urgency of transitioning to sustainability in the context of Ireland's renewable energy goals means that businesses should no longer delay taking action. If you've been considering renewable energy for your business but have hesitated due to factors like business levels, economic unpredictability, or market volatility, it's essential to recognize that the need for sustainability is here to stay. Taking steps to transition to renewable energy can help protect your business and ensure its resilience in a changing energy landscape.

Starting this transition can begin with research and exploring the available options. It's also worthwhile to engage with various providers to understand the solutions that best align with your specific needs and circumstances.

Regarding solar energy, it's noteworthy that you don't necessarily need to make a capital investment upfront. The Solar as a Service model offers an alternative approach, covering the installation costs and handling planning, design, installation, and ongoing maintenance of solar panels.

The benefit of this model is that there are no hidden catches. You receive a fixed monthly price over a defined term agreement. You pay for the energy you consume while simultaneously embarking on the journey toward energy independence and meeting sustainability targets. This approach not only aligns with Ireland's renewable energy objectives but also provides financial predictability and a pathway to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible business model.

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